City Council Meeting - 11/2/2015
Call to Order/Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Governing Body Actions/Comments
City Manager Reports
Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar 5
CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 19, 2015: A Resolution to Deny a Street Vacation Request for a 1,174 Square-Foot Portion of the Serpentine Drive Public Right-of-Way Between Zapo Street and Forest Way, Along a Wide Corner Located East of the Property at 420 Serpentine Drive, in the City of Del Mar, California (SV15-001). Applicants/Petitioners: Kevin Reese, on behalf of Mark Filanc and Brian Tucker
Item 9
Introduction of an Ordinance Re-Authorizing an Off-Leash Area at the Del Mar Shores Park
Item 10
Community Forum on the City Hall/Town Hall Project Design
Item 11
City Hall/Town Hall Project Design Direction
Item 12